A review by plaidbrarian
The Complete Peanuts 1953-1954: Vol. 2 Hardcover Edition by Charles M. Schulz


Years 3 and 4 of Peanuts still don't quite resemble the strip we eventually all grew to know and love, but it's definitely starting to get there at this point. Characters are beginning to change into their more recognizable forms and personalities are starting to cement themselves (Charlie Brown is insecure, Lucy's a fussbudget, Linus begins clinging to his blanket, etc.), but Schulz is still clearly trying to find his feet. Some new characters work (Pigpen), others do not (don't get too attached to Charlotte Braun... just 7 strips and she's gone forever), and a few experiments are just clearly doomed to failure from the start (a continuing Sundays-only story featuring - GASP - adults!). But no matter the outcome, it's fun to see the strip evolve.