A review by jlmb
A Stab in the Dark by Lawrence Block


Block is always better than I think he will be. He does what he does perfectly and then some. If you are in the mood for a classic hardboiled big city private investigator mystery, then look no farther than the Matthew Scudder series.

Besides writing a tight, well paced mystery, Block imbues his lead with believable, relatable emotions and actions. Scudder is a flawed human and not just a two dimensional protagonist solving a tricky crime. The development of his character isn't perfect (must Block always have Scudder fall into bed with a woman? Can't he ever get turned down?) but maybe having a love interest, no matter how tenuous, is something most readers want?

As for the mystery itself, it was compelling and kept me reading. Of course, like in most mysteries, there is the cliched final scene where the killer has to explain everything in great detail - too bad that doesn't happen more in real life. On the upside, all the main characters weren't assembled in the drawing room for the explanation haha. Honestly, though, I have to admit I kinda like it when mysteries end that way. It just rings more false in urban, cop mysteries than it does in quaint English villages.