A review by robotswithpersonality
Far Sector by N.K. Jemisin

THAT goes on the list of favourites of the year. Holy FUCK what an achievement. I will somewhat shamefacedly admit this is my first N.K. Jemisin, but it certainly makes me want to pick up her novels! And the art, oh my goodness, I will also be looking for more graphic novels illustrated by Jamal Campbell. Every panel showcases maximum effort, not just beautiful aliens and imaginative fight choreography, but the sci fi scapes of my dreams, conveying the experience of strong emotion, the close ups on mouths or eyes that tell you everything you need to know about what's about to go down. And can we hear a hallelujah for the superhero wearing a variety of casual and dressy clothes and hairstyles in their downtime?! Not to forget the writing: The discussions around emotion, the hope and tensions of peoples with a war torn history living together, the weighty comparisons to humanity's flaws, the rookie finding her way in a new position, guided by an ethical compass above all, the humour, the references; I do not have the words to summarize everything I loved about this book. I want more graphic novels about strong, vulnerable, occasionally goofy with it, brave, sassy, (com)passionate bi/pan/xeno(?) sexual Green Lantern Sojourner 'Jo' Mullein, who has successfully managed to actually get me interested in my first Green Lantern graphic novel ever. I have to assume work of this calibre means there already exists a demand for more in the future. Oh, pretty please. 🙏🏻 
⚠️ References to racism, police brutality, enslavement