A review by kzimm2024
Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop


Sigh- is it strange that I can 5 star a book where the ending has the 2 MC's holding hands for the first time? In book 3?

RE-read Aug 2023, no review left when I first read it in 2018 and gave it a 4 star rating. SO! Highlights and spoilers:

The best part is Meg and Simon. We are told about all the time they spend together but this time I feel like we actually get a better idea of their day to day relationship- which I love.

Simon, I love his simple but effective POV:
"When she hesitated, his growl deepened. He couldn’t have her staggering around and around like a brain-damaged bison."

Poor Meg decides to get her bad dye job removed and discovers to her horror:
“So now there’s a semi trained Crow cutting everyone’s hair?” Meg’s voice rose.

Love the puppy fur treatment that the Others give her :) She hated her hair after the cut.

This story centers mostly around Monty and his lover, Elayne, and their daughter Lizzy. They were trying to get away to Monty but Lizzy ends up making the trip alone and is found by Nathan who protects her. Due to Elayne's involvement in the HFL movement, she is targeted as well as Lizzy.

The whole Boo Bear thing is hilarious despite the circumstances:
"She says he has big teeth, even bigger than Boo Bear’s.”
They stared at Montgomery.
Finally Simon said, “Boo Bear doesn’t have any teeth, so everyone has bigger teeth.” lolol

Simon- when being involved more and more:
Humans were like sticky vines. If you didn’t escape at the first touch, you got more and more tangled up.

There is an attack on the terra indigene and Meg has a prophecy, scared she will lose Simon. It all works out but there are deaths and injuries.
And more Meg:
Grumbling and limping, she reached the door and opened it, saying, “It wasn’t locked for a reason.”
Steve Ferryman stared at her. “You cut your hair.”
Meg huffed. “Yes, it looks like puppy fuzz. No, you can’t pet it.”
He worked hard not to smile.

And Meg and Simon:
Meg kept her eyes on the road, her hands on the steering wheel, and refused to say anything when Simon sighed—again.
“Meg, with the way you’re driving, we can reach the Market Square faster by walking.”
“I’m being careful. There’s nothing wrong with being careful. You’re still healing and don’t need to be jostled.”
“Dr. Lorenzo is waiting for us.”
“He can examine Nathan first.”
Okay, maybe she was going a bit too slow.

Like I said, they hold hands at the end so don't go in thinking that this is anything but a slow burn. I found that it doesn't really matter since I enjoy these stories so much, the humor and irony is really well done!

These stories are about Wild Things so some gore and horrible happenings but genuine people trying to do the right things even if they are persecuted.