A review by sigo
The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence


This book is truly horrifying to read but I think that it is also vitally important for every American to read. The revulsion and loathing that I have for the techniques that were used against these people (some of whom were found to be in a case of mistaken identity) pales in comparison to the disgust that I have for the people who committed or were a part of this sanctioned torture. We're made to believe by the head of the CIA, politicians, and others who are in support of this program that it gets us much needed intelligence that we would otherwise not get out of the detainees and that is necessary to save lives, but that is simply not the case. Torturing detainees gives us no new information and can irreparably harm these individuals, some of whom had done nothing wrong. It also harms the American image abroad that as a "civilized" country we are still using barbarian techniques against people. We should be better than this, and we can be better than this.