A review by its_justine
The World Maker Parable by Luke Tarzian


…Even the worst of us, the most misguided can achieve redemption.

The World Maker Parable is Luke Tarzian's creatively complex and poignant follow-up novella to his Dark Fantasy debut Vultures. Much like its predecessor, it focuses on the fragile balance between order and chaos, and is an exposition of the very human feelings of guilt and grief, as well as the horrific punishment one endures at the hands of their own self. This review is going to be a bit different than what I usually present for several reasons; the most significant being talking about both the plot and characters in detail will completely spoil this tale in its entirety, and simply because I feel the need to speak about what this novella evokes, rather than an examination of the story itself. I've given this much thought, and honestly, I can't get this story out of my head.

Thumbing through the pages of one of Tarzian's books is akin to studying a Dali. Gorgeously mind-bending and thought-provoking, an emotional journey, if you will. His ability to pay homage to humanity with characters and worlds that are anything but is just astounding, a skill so very rarely seen in the literary world. What you see is by no means what you get, the truth lurking far beneath the surface just waiting to emerge. Hauntingly beautiful, these strange and intelligent forays into his mind leave you in a state of utter disorientation, with an endless, insatiable hunger for more.

In Parable we're submerged in a deluge of surreal and menacing landscapes, each cultivating such a sense of hopeless foreboding–a forest of the hanging dead, crumbling ruins lost to time, sky-shattering monolithic towers, all encompassed by a wind that carries upon it the unmistakable taste of ash. And strangely, they somehow also conjure an impression of complete serenity – solace in the silence. What should've taken me about a day to read took far longer, because there was a need to savor the experience, carefully visualizing the world being constructed around me.

Life where once there had been death. Brilliance where once the light was silent. But most of all, the dreams. The images and whispers born of illium prying memories from the depths of the abyss.

As mentioned, I won't discuss the characters in much detail, but I need to touch upon how superbly they are portrayed. Otherworldly, divine beings cloaked in majestic wings, with eyes that reflect the endless chasm of the universe, their power only threatened by their self-doubt. They're world-shapers, creating life that echoes themselves, inevitably leading to exquisite imperfection.

Tarzian tells this tale with a remarkable lyrical prose, setting the stage for a staggering dreamlike spiral of a journey, using descriptors that easily rip readers from reality and pitch them into the yawning black abyss. While many stories offer a glimmer of hope, Parable continues on its slow and grisly descent into the shadowy recesses of the psyche, where all manner of monsters prowl. Even without the use of excessive bloodshed and the dread and consequences of war, it is easily one of the darkest books I've ever read, because what could possibly be more grim than the horrors of the mind? It's crushing, it's moving, it's a thing of beauty.

It's far too easy to lose yourself while searching for truth in the lies as you make your way through The World Maker Parable. Tarzian, unafraid to crack open his heart and let his soul blanket the pages, takes readers on an expedition detailing the origins of his Shadow Twins universe, where nothing is as it seems. This is definitely not for those looking for a light, airy adventure, but rather for those seeking a challenge. Expect confusion, but know that everything will come together in the most unexpected of ways. In order to truly appreciate what Tarzian has done here, you really need to pick up the story yourself – I can't recommend this book enough.


See this review and others at Whispers & Wonder