A review by trib
I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett


A big, fat 5/5 for this, the final Tiffany Aching book, from me.

As she does for my friends, Nathan and Courtney, the young Miss Aching appeals no end; she is moral, caring, a thinker and understands that while she has a place in the world, it is often complicated by difficult or potentially unpopular decisions.

Though Pratchett originally wrote this subset of the Discworld novels for a younger audience, there's absolutely no reason they ought not be on the reading list of any Discworld fan. Nay, any fantasy fan.

With the Tiffany Aching books, Pratchett has moved beyond the (very excellent, mind you) silliness and satire present in many of his earlier pieces to a more profound, gentle humor laced with more than a condiment level of humanity.

It's a great read, no matter whether you're a fan of the author or genre or not.