A review by mmc6661
Take Your Breath Away by Linwood Barclay


Andrew Mason's wife Brie disappeared six years ago. There we're no clues to where she went or if anything happened to her. Andrew was away on a fishing trip while his wife just vanished without a trace never to be heard from again. Until..
Fast forward six years and Andy has sold their home and moved away to start over. He has fled his past where everyone thinks you are guilty just because the husband always is. His old house was torn down and a new one built. Everything about his past is gone. He has a new girlfriend and has tried to move on with with his life. Then he gets a call that a lady is at his old address screaming " where's my house? What's happened to my house?" She was clearly confused. Not only that but this lady looks a lot like Brie, but Brie is gone? This woman appearing to be Brie is seen several times again. Is she really alive? If so where has she been?
Andrew Mason knows one thing, he can't get on with his life till he knows the answers. What he doesn't know is what it will cost him and those he loves to find out the truth once and for all.
Once again Barclay delivers a page turning suspense.