A review by comicsandbookdragon
Promises Part 3 by A.E. Via


Promise 3 Nothing like an action packed novel with tender love peppered throughout. This book is perfect for a hot steamy night. Much like what we are having here in St. Louis, MO. For this book, we are heading 8 hours south to Atlanta.
The writing is solid, the plot is full to the brim with car chases, fights, and with enough of the sexy bits to please. The characters are well developed and they maintain their depth. I have enjoyed this series and it makes for fine rereading. There are only a handful of contemporary books that I can say that about.  
We are back with the Bounty Hunters, and as always they are in full swing. Ready to kick some bad guy ass. What can I say? I am a sucker for action. Let’s get some of the easy questions out of the way. Yes, Day and God make an appearance. I always like seeing old friends, even if it is briefly.
Dana. My sweet, goofy, shy Dana. He has some of the worst taste in women (there will be more about this later). He is a doll though. For me, he is the kind of character that fades in and out. I like him when I see him, and when he is not around, he fades to the background. I don’t think he means it. It is just part of his personality. His background is interesting compared to the rest of the group. While he doesn’t have post-secondary or a military background, he holds his own. It isn’t forced. I like the way he is. The development is good.
Dana is bisexual. The girlfriend (Jess) was a complete disaster. In fact she reminds me of a cousin. Whiney, high maintenance, sneaky, self-centered, greedy, snobby, etc. I could spend 30 minutes listing this woman’s (and my cousin’s personality flaws). On top of all of that, she was a bad lay. (I’d use a different word, but after all, I am a lady. She was not.) Oh, I forgot manipulative, that is one trait that is completely appalling. She was an albatross around Dana. Goodness. I was not sad to see her get what she deserved.
Dana has the biggest crush on Bradford (Ford) King. While I adore Ford, he is such a hard ass. I have never met a SEAL who wasn’t. Even the really old ones. He is the quintessential “daddy bear”. He is gruff, rough, tough, and above all, loving. Loyal and daring are as well. Those are qualities that, on occasion can be in short supply. He has it bad for Dana. Who wouldn’t though?
While I enjoyed reading about Dana and Ford, Brian (Ford’s brother) and Sway (Dana’s best friend) were so damn interesting. Brian has been a favorite since he was first introduced. I want to talk about him.  Selective mutism is very fascinating. His playful manner is intriguing. The fact that he goes from playful to soldier in an instant is completely swoon worthy. Sway is just a complete doll. She always includes a character that has a touch etherealness. This, I feel is where Ms. Via works her magic.
Ah, the next bit of magic is the end. It was so damn good. It was just what I enjoy in her books. Comradery, love, loyalty, and of course, the set-up. She gets me every time. Honestly I would not mind seeing this live action. Oh how I wish I could draw. I would settle for manga. This book is that much fun.  
Ladies and gentlemen, if you are looking for action, love, tenderness, and big bear men. This is perfect. If you are looking for tall, dark, and mysterious; the side story is perfect. I am waiting with anticipation for the next installment.