A review by amylikestoread
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer


I still have no idea why this was my favourite book of the series, maybe because we got some kind of emotion from Bella and how she was around Jacob, maybe it was the trip to Italy and the introduction to some potentially good villains, maybe I'll never know. Whilst Bella does spend the book in a catatonic state after an unnecessary event early on in the books, I found this book more readable than the first one when I was a fan. I think the relationship that Bella developed with Jacob in this book felt a bit more natural than that of Eclipse but it was obvious even in this book that Bella was still going to end up with Edward. The only aspect of this book that I never liked was why Edward left Bella which whilst it could be justified, it just felt like a stupid decision that was made so that we could have the love triangle in the next book.