A review by nssutton
I Married You for Happiness by Lily Tuck


Fiancée, I promise you that, if I should ever find you unconscious in bed I will - unlike Nina - call the paramedics instead of a doctor neighbor. Really? That mere fact alone put me in a sour mood for the rest of this thin novel. The story and characters were really bougy. I hate taxes of martial infidelity like this, with French dialogue and exotic locations and people who use the word sensual to describe artwork.

But I did enjoy the postcard style of storytelling, wherein the reader must keep track of the timeline the way people actually do, in circles and snippets connected in seemingly unconnected ways instead of linear storytelling. We saw Tinker, Tailor, Soilder, Spy over the weekend and the that narrative was used was just divine.

Read in large chunks late at night under blankets and while stuck at train signal stops