A review by fablesandwren
Little Brother & Little Sister by Jacob Grimm


I have the complete set of the Grimm Fairy-Tales, and there are so many that I haven’t read! They are very short, as one would know, so I have decided to read each one and give them a review. Some are very vulgar, some are very cute and some don’t even make sense. Some of them are well known fairy-tales and some have never been told. Some are fairy-tales we know but are not the same because they have been downplayed for the children.

As many stories start, there is an evil step mother to a brother and a sister. The siblings ran away so they could live happily together. The evil step mother tricked the mother into a roebuck. They lived happily in the woods together, human sister and roebuck brother, until the king and his guard were on a hunting trip.

After some events, the king finds the sister and marries her.

Will the evil queen stand for his? What will happen to roebuck brother? What about the one-eyed daughter of the evil step mother? What about the child?!

This story is so cute. I think it is a well told story. It has some graphic things that can be overlooked. Lessons? None, unless keeping your siblings close and take care of them.