A review by lolatarantula
Godblind by Anna Stephens


Tropey, bloated, boring, standard Brit-author, GameofThrones-esque high fantasy. Even includes the colonialism classic of "bad guys are an unorganized tribal group that sacrifice humans to old Gods and live in longhouses" while the other side lives in your stereotypical fantasy city with your usual fantasy districts stumbling through their usual fantasy political intrigue (but sometimes there's shit and fart jokes so it must be grimdark). If it wasn't for that, I'd almost give it two stars but there was zero diversity, and whatever passed for world building was surface level at best. I could look up any fantasy book published in the seventies and see the same level of nuance.

Anyway, it's not creative or interesting and the number of characters is overwhelming, made worse by uninspired character building in the first place. Plot felt like an afterthought used to tape together a bunch of random fragments pulled out of a hat. All the characters were the same. Like they were all being portrayed by one mediocre actor on short notice.

Anyway, I enjoy a European style fantasy novel as much as anyone, racist undertones aside, but this is just stock. There's no spark to hold my interest or anything else to set it apart from the rest.