A review by thecaffeinatedreader
Eden Chip by Scott Cramer


I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I thought this was a very good sci-fi/dystopia read. I loved the use of chips and how there was always a blurred line to using them, is it okay is it not? I mean you think it's not okay but once humanity had destroyed itself what choice did they have in this world? But it went too far and it's on Raissa, Caleb, and Christian to save the world. I really enjoyed the feel of it. and I never thought I'd say this but the reason it didn't get 4 stars is that it was actually a little too fast paced (in that I mean it was hard to accept some things that happened as it all happens in the span of a few days).

Scott Cramer did a great job with the plot and Christian was by far my favorite character (and also the one I most wanted to kick in the first 30%). He had a lot of complexities and I really admired Raissa's strength -I mean literal strength, the girl is a tank-, Cramer didn't make flower descriptions of her, and he gave her so many cool fight scenes. Also kudos to have violists, having 2 in one book was the most unbelievable aspect to this whole dystopia novel lol.

Overall this is a solid read and I'm glad I picked it up, I really wasn't able to put it down once I started it. Anyone looking for an awesome YA steeped in sci-fi with a different sort of dystopia feel might find this worth a quick read.