A review by bookwyrm76
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


I love John Green and this book was one of his best. The characters in the book often refer to 'cancer books' and if you read a lot of teen/kids lit, you can't help but know the books they mean. While most are well meaning I can't imagine that most are really all that inspirational or comforting to people going through cancer treatment or dealing with someone in their family having cancer.

Green's characters feel real as you read about them. I did cry while reading this novel, but I was not depressed when it was finished. I was satisfied. Not "oh, ok it's over" satisfied, but the deep sign of satisfaction after a great meal that satisfies all your cravings. I'm not going to give you a summary because most of the other reviews out there will as well as the blurb on Amazon or B&N.

I would recommend this book for all the fans of twilight who think Edward Cullen is romantic. Let them read about Augustus Waters and learn how real guys are romantic. Yeah, Augustus is probably too good to be true, but I'll take him over Edward any page! I would also recommend this on a more serious note to fans of Lurlene Daniels, Caroline Cooney, or others along those lines. It was a great tear jerker for those who enjoy that without the headache I usually have at the end of those.