A review by cherrymandering
River of Fire by Erin Hunter


This will be shorter than usual bc i don't have much to elaborate on, so here are my notes:

The entire book felt like three seperate novellas only partially interacting with each other, making it hard to find an actual, overlining plot.

Despite it feeling much like an unessesary side-plot that added very little, i enjoyed Velvet and Fuzzball´s parts a lot, and am very glad they didn't stay so it spoiled.

Every confrontation between Leafstar and some other cat was very sudden and never treated like the out-of-the-blue kneejerk it was, which really sucked because I actually loved Leafstar in the supereditions and was looking forward to watching her be a leader. Her anger is very understandable, but the interactions were badly written.

Haven not read Tigerheart´s superedition made me feel like i was missing out a lot of the shadowclan content and that is really bad for a series supposes to stand on it's own, not rely on seperate books to forward understanding/my willingness to care.

And lastly, the erins didn't deserve Briarlight.