A review by challa117
The Photographer of Mauthausen by Salva Rubio


This graphic novel examines the Holocaust from a perspective that is not frequently given a voice. Communist Spaniards who fled their home country for France in the wake of Fascism only to be handed to the Nazis and placed in concentration camps.

This retelling of true events is jarring, seeing how the Spaniards were treated during and after the war. Being used and abused by the Nazis running the camp, forced suicides, horrific murders, but even still having the hope of escape. Then once they were released having been cast out by the Communist party as traitors believing that surviving the Holocaust was being an accomplice in their suffering.

Rubio and Coloumbo weave together this tragic tale in a beautiful manner. It gives life to those who never made it out of the camps. The Holocaust was horrifying for more than the Jewish community, the suffering was widespread and all of those people who endured those horrors deserve to be remembered.