A review by limabean74
The Witches of BlackBrook by Tish Thawer


This book was so good I read it in one day. Have you ever watched Charmed? Well it’s not like that but you get a “Charmed” feel when you read this book. I adore the show and I absolutely adored this book. Everything about this book had me reading and I couldn’t put it down.

This book is hard to review since I don’t want to give anything away. I loved this story, I loved the sisters and I loved the romance. The story is told by Trin, that’s her name in this life but she is the older witch sister Karina. I really liked her and I felt bad that all she wants is to find her little sister. There is a lot of twists and turn and when you think you know something you don’t. I had a few panic attacks and a lot of trust issues. I thought the flashbacks were fantastic and I loved how each flashback was told in a way the just brought the entire story together.

I did find one part confusing, I had thought they were looking for Kara but at one point she mentions having Kara by her the entire time. Maybe I read it wrong but that just threw me a bit since I had to read it twice to see if I was missing something. I didn’t think I did but maybe I did read it wrong but that doesn’t take anything away from the AWESOMENESS of this book.

I loved the story, loved the characters and even with a slight touch of romance this was a great, quick read. I highly recommend for anyone that loves a good story with strong characters and some solid back story. I look forward to reading more from this author and I hope there will be more of the Witches of Blackbrook.
- See more at: http://www.becausereading.com/review-the-witches-of-blackbrook-by-tish-thawer/#sthash.5IluUE9A.dpuf