A review by indeanna
Out of the Blue by Kathryn Nolan


I love a good romance with a side of intrigue! And Kathryn didn’t disappoint with this swoon worthy book! We get all the heat and all tension. I love that Kathryn isn’t afraid to talk about the real world. She does it in a non preachy way that just pulls you in.

Cope is a tough, hot as heck bodyguard. Serena is a tough, take no prisoners pro surfer who is killing it in a “man’s” sport. These two melted my kindle with the heat and sexy times. They try to stay professional as Cope, whose job is to protect her, not romance her, but the memories of their past relationship is hard to ignore. As the suspense builds, so does the heat!

I read this in one day! I just couldn’t put it down. Once again Kathryn proves that she is a go to romance author that I have told all my friends about!