A review by ladynightwolf
One Thing Leads to a Lover by Susanna Craig


Amanda Bartlett, the young widowed Countess of Kingston, has been living a dull life up until the day she brings home a package that is supposed to be a gift for her son, but turns out to be a cryptic French cookbook. This cookbook turns out to be of some interest to British intelligence.

Enter Major Langley Stanhope, aka The Magpie, a master mimic in the spy game. Stanhope is sent to retrieve the mysterious volume from Amanda, which could lead to the recovery of a fellow missing spy. However, when the volume goes missing, Stanhope and Amanda find themselves in a rather dangerous situation and Stanhope must use all his skills to keep Amanda, her family, and himself from the enemies that would do whatever they can to get it back.

As the danger grows and Amanda and Stanhope work together, they find that their hearts may be on the line as well.

I absolutely LOVED this book! The first in this series was great as well, but I honestly thought this one was even better. I am so excited for the next book in the Love & Let Spy collection!

The characters were very well thought out and the setting jumped straight from the page. I found myself very emotionally invested in the couple and the fate of Amanda’s children at the hands of their appointed male guardian, a boring man whose eyes were also set on Amanda and who was a huge part of the conflict.

Seriously, Craig, I am sincerely looking forward to the next installment!