A review by grilledcheesesamurai
Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game by Joseph Goodman


This book is a beast. At 470 pages it far outweighs Wizards of the Coast Dungeon Masters Guide. In fact, DCC is one of my biggest gaming books on the shelves at the moment.

I was blown away when I first flipped through this book. From the artwork and the general word content. If you are a fan of all the classic 70's art that dominated game boxes and sci-fi mags from back in the day then you are gonna have a blast looking at the pictures within. I have spent the better part of my time just turning pages and checking out all the awesome artwork. If you aren't a fan of that art style...lucky for you the whole purpose of the book is to give the reader a brilliant set of rules to run a dungeons and dragons style pen and paper adventure.

And it is brilliant.

I mostly play Cypher system (Monte Cook Games) and D&D 5th edition right now, that said, I still find this book an invaluable asset in running those games even though it's a different ruleset. The magic system, in particular, is very unique and I often find myself adding elements of it into my other games. I especially love the concept of 'spellburn' allowing a wizard to sacrifice something of themselves to power an especially important spell.

The thing is chalked full of inspiring ideas and it's just a general treat to flip through. I've had it on my shelf for quite some time now and even still while I go through it I find interesting tidbits that I hadn't realized before.

Easily one of my favorite gaming books and a must have for RPG collectors. If you are lucky enough to hunt down a copy I highly recommend scooping it up!


Apparently, I already reviewed this book awhile back. I guess it was a different catalog number? Anyways, you can read my first review for this book HERE Not gonna lie - I kinda like my original review better. I don't know how I made two reviews for the same book but there ya go....