A review by bimblebop
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

Did not finish book. Stopped at 27%.
The plot is actually quite interesting but the way the narrator describes the state of being switched into a fat disabled body is so nauseating, I just couldn't keep crawling through those chapters. 

At some point my disgust for the blatant fatphobia far outweighed my interest in how the story unravels because it truly felt never-ending, especially as that part of the book was much longer (and descriptive) than any previous body the narrator had been switched into. It's like the character couldn't be given the grace of being anything other than abhorrently fat and old - and by consequence, a repulsive person to be around by virtue of the fact that he is so fat, that's all there is to him. None of the other characters are even interesting enough for me to be attached to them either.  

Maybe I'll come back to this book at some point to find out how it ends, but right now I just don't feel like I should have to force myself to read a book I'm dreading.

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