A review by adamz24
Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World by Timothy Morton


Don't know why he associates himself with the OOO guys. His project seems vastly different from those of dickheads like Ian "Tiny Ontology" Bogost and Levi "Onticology" Bryant. Then, in this general area, you have people like Jane Bennett, who actually have reasonable ethical minds but have fallen way too far down the rabbit hole to recover. Still, maybe he needs OOO for some of this stuff to work. The truth is I don't know enough about quantum physics to figure out just how much of this is total bullshit. But I also think that, even when taken with a giant heaping plate of salt, Morton's project is at least interesting. More important, he comes up with really useful and illuminating concepts and ideas. At times, reading this felt a bit like reading Zizek, whose "philosophy" seems to me really suspect, but whose writings nevertheless often demonstrate great insight.

The shit Morton says about Twin Peaks, for instance, provides a useful, surprisingly clear framework for discussing the uncanny nature and affective power of Evil in the Oeuvre of David Lynch.