A review by petalish
My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier


I was lucky enough to win this book thanks to a competition Dymocks was running and unfortunately due to moving house when it arrived, wasn't able to start it for a few weeks. But boy, when I did, it was hard to put it down. And this was despite the fact that this was not my normal genre to read from.

I finished it last night, at 2am, after staying up half the night, unable to put it down and eager to find out how it ends. And wow. Like others here on Good Reads, I was enamored with the ending.

I loved the portrayal of Rosa and Che, I loved the twists and the hints along the way, that made you question so much of what was going on. Che was very well written, and one of the more realistic male teenage characters I've read in a while. 

Enjoyed the theme of brotherly love, and the angst that went along with the realisation of what his sister is, but still absolutely loving her all the same.

I loved the diversity of characters and personalities and the approach to religion. If you get the chance, read this book, like most people here have said, it is amazing.