A review by eesh25
RoomHate by Penelope Ward


This was a surprisingly great book.

I started reading it because 1.) I could (I didn't have a stupidly huge TBR with stupidly strict scheduling and 2.) it sounded refreshing, where instead of the guy chasing the girl, it might have been the other way around.

While I didn't really get the second part of the reason, I am very happy with the book I did get.

I had some problems with the book initially. Justin bothered me a little and I didn't think the writing was good enough. Both of those things got a lot better as the book progressed.

Amelia also bothered at moments but not much. I actually really liked the characters of the book. They were unexpectedly mature. It felt so good watching two adults actually act like adults. There were times when the characters were about to do something stupid but the author didn't let them, like she didn't want the usual tropes lurking around in her book. I love her for that.

When we were almost halfway through, the book took a direction that I hadn't expected and I was a bit miffed about it because that wasn't the book I sighed up for. But I realized that the direction was really good for the book because, for me, the last half was amazing. Especially the ending. I loved it. So much. It was perfect.

When the book ended, I was like

I was so upset when it ended because I wanted to keep reading about these characters and this story. Not in a I-wanna-know-what-happens-next way, but because I genuinely enjoyed reading it. I don't remember the last time that happened.

Overall, this was a great book and I highly recommed it. Definitely will be reading more by this author.

P.S. This book is so much better than it's name and cover. I wish they were different.