A review by calistareads
Hedgie's Surprise by Jan Brett


Another entry in the Hedgie series. This was fun to read. I suspected the ending and I was rewarded in kind. Our story is about Henney the Hen. A boy steals her eggs every morning and she wants to have children like the goose. She bemoans the egg thief. Hedgie comes along to help her. Together they plot a way to fool the boy. The boy is relatively lazy. He steals an egg, eats it and then sleeps the rest of the day.

One morning he pulls out an acorn. Then other things are pulled out, all interesting and fun. Hedgie fixes that boy good, let me tell you, he’s a smart hedgehog.

The artwork is lovely. Jan Brett is on her details game here.

The nephew enjoyed all the surprises the boy pulled out. He especially loved the ending and watching the boy run away. This would make a great little short. He gave this 3 stars. He thought it could have been more exciting.