A review by tessisreading2
The Heir by Grace Burrowes


I loved all the details about housekeeping. I hated the fact that the book revolved around an earl courting a housekeeper with the intention of marrying her, with the connivance of basically everyone involved. At one point he literally says "If you have a reason of any substance [for us not to be together] - a husband somewhere, a mortal fear of intercourse, something besides your silly conviction earls don't marry housekeepers - then I will consider desisting [from courting you]." That's... not how the nineteenth century worked. (Later in the book, people point out that Anna is in fact not the sort of person one would expect to marry a future duke - oh really? Who could ever have guessed???) By the end of the book we had been introduced to approximately three million eligible men, most of whom I'm guessing will get their own books. The sad thing is I will probably, eventually, read them.