A review by bensonsquared
Hollywood Heroes: How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God by Zach Turek, Zach Turek, Frank Turek, Frank Turek


This is an apologistic view of some top movies series currently. They do a good job questioning and then answering, using scripture, etc. Each chapter ends with a free questions for discussion with family, friends or small group. This will be a great tool for discussing certain good versus evil movies with our kids and showing them parallels to Scripture but there's still only one True God whom we follow. This will also help them (hopefully) as they get older in talk to even unbelievers about God - because they might be able to use some of these movies as common ground to start the conversations. 

You don't have to have seen all these movies to get something out of the book. I think I only haven't seen the one series and yet I understood what they were talking about in the chair relating to the movies.