A review by catharsis
Peachy by Camri Kohler


(Spoiler-free review) I came across Peachy by pure luck, and I am so very glad I did. This was a wild ride and I enjoyed every second of it - I believe there are two more instalments already planned to this series and I can't wait!

This story involves both a central hetero relationship (I am team Ben all the way), and our new "friend". The relationship dynamics are great but at the forefront of this story is our main characters development as she discovers her reality, and the fascinating and sometimes grotesque world this group of witches experience. It's fucked up and it's so very fun.

If you liked Bunny by Mona Awad, this is bunny adjacent. I'd absolutely recommend listening to the authors playlist (I uploaded it to Spotify in chapter order) as it fits the reading experience really well.

It's written so well I wouldn't have believed it to be a first-time author, it flows and the descriptions are perfection. This will easily be one of my favourite books of the year and has a position of one of my all-time favourites.

[This eARC was generously given to me via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.]