A review by earthtotess
My Husband is Suffering from a Terminal Illness by 不会下棋


i did like the mc quite a bit but i just wish that the story focused a bit more on the characters’ inner thoughts because absolutely everything was conveyed through dialogue & body language instead of actual thoughts & feelings & it made me feel very removed from the story & the characters, especially when it came to their romantic development.

with such a smart character at the helm, we should’ve been involved in more of his thought process when scheming & interacting with other people as opposed to just seeing what he ends up doing & how everyone else reacts to it. 

i also think it was a huge missed opportunity not to explore mc’s previous life experience more. like it could’ve been such a cool storyline to see him deal with ptsd from literally living & dying in an apocalyptic world but instead it’s just totally glossed over?? & we never get any information about his past life or how it’s affected him in this one. it very much feels like it was just something that the author tacked on to explain why he also has an ability, but it wasn’t done very well & left the whole story feeling very unfinished to me.