A review by booksuperpower
Beautiful Storm by Barbara Freethy


Beautiful Storm by Barbara Freethy is a 2015 Fog City publication.

Alicia is a storm chaser, but not in the usual sense. She is a photographer, whose specialty is capturing the spectacular electric energy of lightning strikes in action. But, one night, as the sky is illuminated by a lightning storm, she witnesses a couple involved in a violent argument, but an accident prevents her from reaching the woman who is obviously in danger. However, once she reaches the area where the scuffle took place, she discovers a military tag lying on the ground.

As it turns out, the woman whose name appears on the tag just happens to have been reported missing. Returning to the scene of the crime, looking for further clues, Alicia is startled by another person who is also there to get answers.

Enter Michael Cordero-

Michael and Liliana had been best friends most of their lives. But, when Liliana disappeared, Michael was the last person she had been in contact with, making him a person of interest.

Michael and Alicia immediately realize they have stumbled upon a viable clue to Liliana’s disappearance and decide to join forces in hopes of finding Michael’s friend.

In the meantime, the couple deals with personal and family issues, but as they spend more time together their relationship deepens into something special.

But, their inquiries into Liliana's disappearance could put them in danger….

This is the first of the ‘Lightning Strikes’ trilogy.

Although Barbara Freethy is something of an independent superstar, I read her books way before there was such a thing as an e-reader, and I can tell you this was not one her best offerings.

The story has a few too many convenient connections and happenings to be plausible, and the chemistry between Alicia and Michael was almost nil.

However, the mystery was puzzling, and the lore surrounding the Mayans was interesting and provided a slight paranormal element for Alicia to consider.

Other than that, this is certainly not the best representation of this author’s talent. I did notice, however, that the next two books in this series were well received, so I will at least give the second book a try at some point, and go from there.

2.5 stars