A review by robconner88
King Arthur and His Knights (Children's Classics) by James Knowles


So like pretty much every 11th grade student in the state of Michigan, I had to read the story "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" at some point. I remember reading it, and watching cartoons like Justice League and Gargoyles (who had elements borrowed from these stories) and thinking "Okay, I wonder what other fantastical adventures King Arthur had other than just these two stories I've heard of? So I can finally say now that I know of them, sort of.

I have to admit, I feel a bit let down. I made the mistake I have made before of listening to an Audiobook version which left me kind of confused and feeling left in the dust. I am very willing to actually give this book a second try with a physical copy in the future as a result. Part of the problem was the language (which is dated) and the other with the characters and the way they are written. It is almost like you are expected to come into this book knowing who half this people are. "Oh King Aflered of North Wales! I've heard of this guy before! No, his kingdom is next to Cameldown not Camelot! I totally know where they're going. Classic Aflered!" I almost wish I had a primer to read this book with, or a very well read college Professor to take breaks and converse with and ask questions to. It felt like a LOT of stuff was just thrown out and not explained.

So yeah, this book is definitely not some book you can casually listen to in Audiobook format, unless you're a scholar in Middle English Epics or something like that. I did enjoy some of the stories, and in some ways it made me nostalgic for my 11th Grade English teacher who explained what they all meant by this action or this character.

But I felt a lot like the experience was a little sour for me. I wish I could have taken the time, read the book and even read more background information on the book. I will definitely give this a re-read one day. You know, once I finish the other 400 books on my TBR pile.