A review by animation
In Too Deep by Skye Jordan


In Too Deep is the first book in the Wildfire Lake series. It’s a first love/reunion story.

I felt bad for Laiyla throughout the book. She was so desperate to have her parents unconditional love, that she gave up everything to do their bidding. The career they wanted for her, the man (sorta) they wanted for her, the life they wanted for her. a few years after the death of her grandfather, she finally decides to take charge of her life. With the help of 2 of her close girlfriends and her first love Levi, she’s finally able to break away. Or is she?

Levi on the other hand, has lived the life he’s always dreamed about, except for not doing it with Laiyla. When she surprises everyone by coming back to their small town, he sees this as his final chance to get what he’s always wanted and goes all in.

The story is emotional in many ways. Luckily KT and Chloe (Laiyla’s friends) are there to lighten up the story when it gets a little heavy. I don’t want to give away too much, but I’m so interested in how they all will fair during this new venture.

The ending seemed a little rushed to me, but overall I enjoyed this book.

My biggest take away from this story is that we all have to live for our self. As long as you are not hurting anyone, do what makes you happy. You can’t live your life for someone else. No matter the intention.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book.