A review by cutenanya
The Lost Sun by Tessa Gratton


This book has an interesting premise and portrayal of the Nordic mythology, unfortunately, the plot is flat and the characters are so absorbed with their own problems that halfway, I have lost interest in the book.

Problem with the plot:
1) Although the goals of the journey undertaken by the characters are clear, the path they take to reach these goals are not so clearly spelt out. In fact, I kinda feel they just happen to arrive at their destinations instead of completing quests or overcoming hurdles.

Problem with the characters:
2) All through the book, the characters seem to be whining about themselves and not looking a the bigger picture! I get that people are selfish and probably less than 0.00001% of the population would selflessly embark on a journey to save the world. Nonetheless, this is fiction and I was hoping the characters would not be so selfish and think more about the rest of the world.

The ending also gives me mixed feelings. I don't understand why it is necessary to end it this way, after going through the journey with the characters, I feel empty instead of fulfilled thanks to this ending. Not that it's bad, but it feels like I have wasted the last 10 hours of my time (listening to the audible book) without really having achieved anything.

Hopefully, the next book will be better but I'm not planning on reading it anytime soon.