A review by vkemp
Paper Son by S.J. Rozan


Lydia Chin's mother asks Lydia and Bill Smith to travel to the Mississippi Delta to investigate the murder of Leland Chin by his son Jefferson. Lydia did not know she had cousins in the Delta, which is a very long way from New York. She discovers that this branch of the family is not really related to hers, except via a paper trail, which was the way Chinese families were able to bring relatives to the United States after the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. They would establish paper trails for immigration purposes. When Lydia and Bill arrive, they meet with Captain Pete, another paper family member, who supports himself by gambling. They also discover Reynolds Tan, another cousin who is running for Congress. As Bill and Lydia investigate, they discover there are secrets in the Delta, secrets that can get you killed. I am so glad to see this series return; it has been a while. Bill and Lydia are a very interesting couple and the plot is intricate and filled with immigration information I did not know. Recommended.