A review by janeeyre_914716
Fear by Michael Grant


Okay now THAT'S how you end a book to prepare you for the final endgame for the last book! I forgot how good this book was which was much better than Plague I have to say. I won't say much because of spoilers for those who still want to read this series after some years, but I will say I'm seriously happy with myself that I caved and reread these and now listening to them before starting the spinoff trilogy first book being [b:Monster|26082351|Monster (Monster, #1)|Michael Grant|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1486999686l/26082351._SY75_.jpg|46021160] and just glad there's only 3 of those I have to deal with and get over with. After reading the synopsis for the new trilogy, I'm excited to pick those up and see what happens beyond the FAYZ. Highly recommend this series!