A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Dust by Kara Swanson


I'm not entirely sure why it took me this long to buy this book and even longer to read it. Usually retellings of Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland are no brainers. I guess I must have read a few mixed reviews and must have doubted if it was something for me. A few months ago though I could get this book very cheap and decided to just take a leap of faith. And yesterday I all of a sudden longed for Neverland and picked this book up.

I totally understand that this book is not for everyone. There are next to no answers in this book. We're not visiting Neverland in this book. And there is little to no action in this book. And yet I was sold the moment I started reading. The writing style really grabbed me. It was the perfect mix between atmospheric and emotional. I felt every word and even I could almost visualize all the locations in this book.

Although this book is not taking place in Neverland there is a lot of magic in the book. I quite liked having this magic in London. I liked Peter Pan coming to his own statue to think. I liked Tiger Lily doing all the grocery shopping. I liked Kensington Gardens being a place where fairies meet, feast and dance. I liked Hook owning a big mansion on the outside of town commanding his pirates to continue the famous fight we all know about.

I most of all love Peter Pan in this book though. Especially because he's exactly what he is in the original tale. He's endearing and charming and adventurous. But he's also egocentric, impulsive and selfish. He's both the monster and the hero. And that makes him interesting. I understand why our heroine initially thinks he can't be Peter Pan and falls in love with him. And I have high hopes that Peter will grow into the person she believes him to be.

I can't wait to read the sequel! And I'm really curious to explore this version of Neverland!