A review by brinley
With You All the Way by Cynthia Hand


This book was a total drama fest. It reminded me of one of those reality tv shows, in which everything that can go wrong, does. It was addictive, and drew you right into the family drama.

This book follows Ada and her family on a business trip to Hawaii. And although they’re vacationing in paradise, the events of their trip are anything but. From breakups and heartbreak, to accusations of cheating and crashed weddings, this book is a total roller coaster ride.

Part of what made this book so enjoyable was it’s similarity to a train wreck. Don’t get me wrong, it was written super well, it’s just that there was so much drama. At times, I had to put the book down, just to take a ten second break. Of course, I dove right back in afterwards. The plot sort of reminded me of The Best Laid Plans, but I actually liked this better.

Like most family dramas, every character had their own distinct personality. I loved Marjorie, who took on the persona of the gossipy aunt. Every time she showed up, I knew some serious tea was about to be spilled. I also really liked Ada and and Nick, although Ada made some comical mistakes.

I would definitely recommend this for fans of romances, especially people who loves drama. Plus, this is set in Hawaii, so there’s a healthy dose of volcanoes, sea turtles, and paddle boarding. All in all, a great book!

Thanks to Netgalley Cynthia Hand and for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review