A review by chlsgnzlz
How We Fall Apart by Katie Zhao


i figured out who the proctor was on page 16, before the words 'the proctor' were even used. granted i didnt guess who they really were, but when i found out i wasnt shocked because i hadnt been invested because not enough information was given. just enough for it to be annoying not to know, not enough to figure it out or feel shocked by the outcome.
this book is pitched as one of us is lying meets crazy rich asians. i havent read either of them, but i know the plot of one of us is lying and ive seen the movie of crazy rich asians, so id say its very accurate. however, i would also like to add pretty little liars (at least the tv show, idk about the books) to that. this book has the plot and characters of one of us is lying and pretty little liars combined, just if they were crazy and rich and asian. its not a clever and original blend of these books like red queen is pretty original and clever blend of graceling, the hunger games, and the selection. at least while reading red queen i could enjoy it for what it was, even if it wasnt the greatest book ive ever read. while reading this, i couldnt stop thinking about its similarities to pretty little liars especially, but also the other two.
despite the entire unoriginality of this book, ill still probably read the sequel. id like to see where it goes. i wonder if it will also be entirely unoriginal.