A review by lucyrider
I Strongly Believe in Incredible Things: A creative journey through the everyday wonders of our world by Rob Auton


I stunbled across Rob Auton at the End of the Road Festival earlier this year (not literally, but we'd arrived early at the comedy stage and had the unexpected delight of listening to him. He thanks people at the end of the book who have been to one of his gig "on purpose" and I really hope it's not too long before I can do that!)

This is a great book if you have a short attention span, have fallen out of the habit of reading, are feeling a bit sad or just really in any situation. If I was a doctor, I would prescribe reading a few entries every day to remind you of just how amazing it is to be alive which is something I think that past couple of years have made it easy to forget.

Rob's way of looking at the world is with childllike wonder, but with the ability to articulate the emotions perfectly.

It's one of those rare books that I keep wanting to say to friends "stop what you are doing and let me read this to you". I particularly loved "Jupiter" which was one of the readings at the gig and I would also say that I think this would make a great audio book too.

This book makes me smile and has lifted my spirits and I will keep a copy close by to me to pick up on days when I forget that "Living on the same planet as a koala bear and a ladybird and not being excited about it?"

Amongst all the sadness and stress there are some incredible things to appreciate and this book is one of them.