A review by bluestarfish
Voices by Ursula K. Le Guin


We're back again in the Annals of the Western Shore, but this time a different place and time with a different set of main characters (although with a return of an older Gyr and Orrec accompanied by a halflion). The great trade city of Ansul has been under occupation for the last 17 years by the Ald who believe books and words are the domain of the devil and have destroyed the library and banned reading and books. Memer is a young girl who grew up under occupation at the formerly grand House of Oracle. It has religion, politics, searching for alternatives to violence, and wondering about who creates the grand feasts at the "end" of epic tales for all the heroes to come back to and enjoy... Memer is an interesting girl who is searching for her identity and role in life and happens to be living through "exciting times". I really like her journey.

I enjoyed this re-read a lot. And I appreciate a middle book of a trilogy that doesn't feel like a middle book of a trilogy.