A review by miffybooks
They Shoot Horses, Don't They? by Horace McCoy


“Gloria and I walked down by the master of ceremonies’ platform. It was nice down there about this time of the afternoon. There was a big triangle of sunshine that came though the double window above the bar in the Palm Garden. It only lasted about ten minutes but during those 10 minutes I moved slowly about in it letting it cover me completely. It was the first time I had ever appreciated the sun…

…I watched the triangle get smaller and smaller. Finally it closed altogether and started up my legs. It crawed up my body like a living thing. When it got to my chin I stood on my toes, to keep my head in it as long as possible. I did not close my eyes. I kept them wide open, looking straight into the sun. It did not blind me at all. In a moment it was gone.”

good quick read! i usually didnt love the straightforwardness of Robert’s internal monologue (the quoted part above is definitely an exception) but McCoy does a great job of maintaining consistent chaos and dread. and even though he barely hides the ending of the book, it still gave me chills to read. reminded me a lot of a Safdie brothers movie! made me want to check out more old noir.