A review by the_gare_bear
Yours Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark by Cassandra Peterson


Elvira has been a staple in my life for a long time. I've always been a fan and have loved her sense of humor and witty comebacks. Cassandra's life story has a lot of ups and down. There are unbelievable things that she has experienced, and things she should never have experienced. As a gay icon she always felt like someone who truly cared about our community and after reading through this book my feelings have definitely been confirmed.

It's hard to believe that at the age of 70 Cassandra still is an absolutely stunning person. Re-living her experiences through the AIDS crisis, losing loved ones, abusive relationships, and dealing with the pitfalls of Hollywood this book has a lot of revelations. But mostly, it's a wonderful story about how to keep your head up and how to look at things and evaluate what's important in life.