A review by contrary_baroness
Breach of Containment by Elizabeth Bonesteel


I listened to the first two books through the library and could not languish in wait list hell so I bought the Kindle version of the third. I do not usually get into military SF because the ones I've read felt like watching others play chess and the female characters were cardboard. Not my idea of fun. This was so much more about the people and how they relate to each other. The characters are amazingly well drawn. They feel real. The crew is diverse and this passes the Bechdel test with flying colors. I put the book down hours ago but it feels like they are still talking and living their lives. (Kinda ironic for this book.)
Science Fiction - This series is Space Opera. There is FTL and not really an explanation of how it works. Most of the rest of the advanced tech makes sense though.
Romance - There is a romance. Because the writer writes so much about the lives and relationships some of them get around to more than smooching and it doesn't fade to black. It all fits in the story and with the characters and does not feel gratuitous to me.
Please everyone buy this series so that it becomes famous and is made into a movie.