A review by book_concierge
Lunch at the Piccadilly by Clyde Edgerton


From the book jacket: Welcome to the Rosehaven Convalescence Center in beautiful Listre, North Carolina. Here’s Mrs. Lil Olive out on the front porch, talking and rocking right along with the regulars. … But all talk and no action isn’t Lil’s strong suit. She’s restless. She wants some adventure. And before long, tranquil Rosehaven is turned upside down. Lil and the girls steal a car and hit the highway.

My reactions
Not nearly so fun … and funny … as the jacket blurb. Yes, there are some humorous escapades, but much more is devoted to Lil’s nephew Carl, a quiet, unassuming bachelor who can’t seem to find his way to a happy and fulfilled life, and to “preacher” L Ray Flowers, who has a checkered past and an uncertain future ministry.

The parts devoted to Flowers and his preaching were just strange. The sections devoted to Carl were poignant and a little sad, though I came to care for him and all those nice people out there who make no waves and just go about life one day at a time.

I will say that the episode (short though it was) involving the stolen car was really quite a hoot.