A review by hmonkeyreads
Fast Girl: A Life Spent Running from Madness by Suzy Favor Hamilton


This book is sad and frustrating and ridiculous. The first part is about Suzy Favor Hamilton's running career and it is very sad to see the pressure she felt and it's frustrating to see how she just let her mind get in the way of her physical capabilities. But that's neither here nor there. The real meat of this book is to show you how off the rails her life went in the second half of the book.

Let me first say that mental illness is real and I'm sure things like this might happen to people but her story is just too much for me to swallow. Her physician didn't notice this off the charts behavior? Her husband was totally OK with his previously "good girl" wife just deciding to head of to Vegas constantly to sleep with escorts and then become one? He didn't find this upsetting or strange or worth talking to somebody about? He didn't think it was self destructive? His only comments are "it might mess up the taxes" and "you spend too much on hotels". Infuriating! Her own story is totally unbelievable. Of course it was super easy to become a "high end" escort. Of course she got all the best clients right off the bat. Of course she had no trouble at all and instantly became the "all time favorite" of every man she was with and of course they were all handsome, rich and nice.

Plus, when it all comes crashing down it's like this big thing like she's super famous. I love the Olympics and I'm obsessed with running and I don't even know who she is! I mean telling the one guy "you'll know who I am soon enough" or whatever. If she was all that famous they'd know her from looking at her. Geez.

SHe claims that this book is all about trying to send a positive message about bipolar but it is not that. Not one bit. In my opinion this is a total money grab -- she's been exposed she might as well make a quick buck spilling some sex stories. She explains herself that even when she was on Prozac and theoretically under control she was completely useless as an adult. Every job was too hard, too stressful. Anyone who wanted her to behave like a grown up was against her and had unrealistic expectations.