A review by the_novel_approach
Blood Drop by Jacob Z. Flores


Blood Drop by Jacob Flores is the first book I’ve read in the Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge series. As the last book, it speaks volumes to the author’s talent that the book stood completely on its own without a need to read the first four books beforehand. In fact, I was so engrossed in the story that I have already purchased book one.

What I enjoyed most about this book was the world building. There are several types of paranormal creatures and beings in this book, and they all interact and play important roles in the overall scheme of the world they live in. The witch, wizard, and warlock families do not coexist peacefully, which added to the drama of the storyline itself.

Throughout the book there were twists and turns which occurred at perfect intervals. Just as one problems seems to have resolved itself, another much worse problem crops up, leaving the reader flipping through the pages to figure out what in the heck would happen next.

At the heart of this particular book is Aiden, a castaway fairy prince who had also been turned into a vampire and, as it turns out, has another supernatural entity he must embrace before the book brings itself to a rampant ending. The internal struggle of Aiden as he comes to terms with the warring instincts within him adds to the emotional punch of the story. His loving partner, Thad, is a rock that keeps him grounded and allows him to hold on to the one thing all supernaturals, in my opinion, cherish most…their humanity.

In addition to the love between these two characters, there are family members of the other characters who make surprising appearances, as well as betrayals that tug at the heartstrings. A beautifully woven tale of love and suspense, Mr. Flores has provided a fast-paced tale well worth your time. In the end, I felt like I had come to the conclusion of what can only be described as an epic journey for these characters, and I look forward to going back and reading books one – four to see how they all arrived at the place where I met them in this book.

I did see the books are available as a box set on Amazon, so if paranormal is your thing, this is well worth your investment of money and time. Well done, Mr. Flores. A highly enjoyable read.

Reviewed by Taz for The Novel Approach