A review by lookmairead
The Prison Healer by Lynette Noni


QUICK REVIEW: “Popcorn fantasy” is becoming a new favorite pallet cleanser between my heavier reads. Short-term, it’s easy to consume. But long-term? >>>shrugs<<< The jury is still out. TBD.

Don’t get me wrong, with all the heavy books in my TBR- I’ll definitely get to book 2 soon. (Plus, others hinted it improves as it progresses? *fingers crossed*)
And with an ending like that, Noni played us all SO well.

If you love this type of world building, you need to add the Mages of the Wheel series by J. D. Evans to your TBR stat. (Filed under// Elemental Magic… and it had a little more spice.)


- To fans of the Half Bad Trilogy (I felt similarities with the tension/pacing)

- When you need a break from heavy/complicated world building.

- When you want to keep the romance PG.
