A review by camibookish
Sweet Obsession by J. Daniels


I think this was a good story. I liked it a lot, I loved the female character, I wish we could have more characters like her. Empowered with her sexuality and unashamed. Sure, she has some issues and insecurities but who doesn't? But I loved that she was written and I loved that she got her HEA. I met Brooke in the previous books of the series and at first I found her a little bit shallow, then the second book came and she grow on me so much that I was craving her story, I knew she would have a cool story to tell, and she did. Brooke meets this aussie guy (hot!) and he's charmed immediately. In fact it kind of surprise me and I must confess it was kind of hard to believe that this guy, Mason, feels so passionately about Brooke in such a short time, it was different or I guess I wasn't expecting it. It amazed me how much he cared for her inmediately and it make me want that for me too heehee...

As I said and I must say it again, I love the fact that Brooke owns her sexuality and I'd like to see it as shoutout to all of us women. That we can like sex and have sex (no matter with who or how many times) and it doesn't mean we are 'whores' or any other type of name calling. What I didn't like so much is that Brooke feels unloved, or that it's hard for her to love and be loved, and I think that jeopardize the empowering she has on her sexuality. But it's ok, because it happens, ad it's real, so I totally understand it. At the same time I found fascinating the process in which Brooke fell for Mason and how she struggled to admit it to herself. It was kind of cute.

As you see the book was very good and I really liked it :)

P.S I was given an ARC of this book in exchange for a honest review.