A review by paperbacksandpines
Amphigorey by Edward Gorey


Gorey was a man of dazzling intellect and he had a talent not only in his stunning artwork but in his writing itself. His creative anagrams of his own name, his brilliantly British sounding character names and places, and bizarre storylines that could only come from someone with a prodigious intellect and a voracious imagination. In addition, I loved pouring over his finely tuned artwork, what originally attracted me to his books. His drawings show painstakingly effort and attention to detail, especially in backgrounds and interiors. Some of his drawings were barely there, what I assume to be his early work. It's very clear that his artwork only got better with time.

This omnibus contains fifteen brief illustrated stories. I especially picked this book up for his story that intrigued me most of all: [b:The Gashlycrumb Tinies|47558|The Gashlycrumb Tinies (The Vinegar Works, #1)|Edward Gorey|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327933644l/47558._SX50_.jpg|3211551], a deliciously dark abcdarium featuring outlandish causes of childhood deaths. Dark and macabre, these books are not intended for children. Gorey's drawings, vocabulary, bizarre names, and unimaginable plots make this book a very fun read.